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How to Get More Lawn Customers – Track Your Leads

How to Get More Lawn Customers - Track Your Leads

Phone calls, estimate requests and close rates are the only metrics that truly matter.
Website visitors, Facebook likes, twitter followers do not.
I don’t care if you have 1000 Facebook followers, if they aren’t becoming leads, if they are never going to buy, who cares.

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How to Grow a Lawn Care Business – Nurture Your Client Relationships

How to Grow a Lawn Care Business - Nurture Your Client Relationships

“Getting business from your current customers costs about 1/5 of what it costs to acquire a new customer. The longer they are customers, the more they are willing to spend and the more additional products or services they’re likely to buy.” – According to Research from Bain and Company

Your current customers are your greatest source of new revenue.
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What Are Your Goals For the Next 12 Months?

Lawn Care Goals

Identifying our goals and outlining the steps we need to take to reach them is a critical part of our ability to achieve success we desire in our businesses… and lead fulfilling lives.

Its something we must do throughout the year, not just as a new years resolution..

But to make them REALLY MEANINGFUL you have to do more you have to do more than say it…
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GIE Expo 2014 Planet Green Industry Conference

GIE Expo 2014 Planet Green Industry Conference

Our speaker today is Lawn Care Marketing Expert, a leading marketing agency serving lawn care and landscaping companies exclusively. Over the past seventeen years he’s built a reputation as the go-to expert on helping lawn care and landscaping professionals increase sales, attract new clients and grow a more successful business with easy proven marketing strategies.

Lawn care Marketing Expert serves clients throughout the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK and is co-founder of Service Autopilot Academy, the official academy for lawn care entrepreneurs looking to multiply their profits, their business, their happiness without wasting time and doing wrong things. Please welcome Lawn Care Marketing Expert.
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‘Tis the Season to Nuture Your Lawn Care Customers’ Relationships

Nuture Lawn Care Customers Relationships

So how are you nurturing your clients this holiday season?

If you are like most lawn care or landscaping companies you probably aren’t and that’s bad news. Ill tell you why.

During this slow season we have to nurture our client relationships and keep reminding them that WE are going to be their lawn care provider come next season… and that we appreciate them for their business, after all they are the source of our success.

So how do we do that?
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How to Get Commercial Lawn Accounts

How to Get Commercial Lawn Accounts

Every residential lawn care company seems to have the dream to land big commercial contracts and I get asked about this all the time. They want to know how to get commercial lawn accounts. Can I just put up a website and get calls? Will search engine optimization, pay per click advertising and online marketing in general help me get commercial landscaping accounts? Yes, absolutely… but… the commercial market works a bit differently. Read more ›

How to Get Lawn Care Customers – Phone Strategy Part 2

How to Get Lawn Care Customers – Phone Strategy Part 2

Part two in how to get lawn care customers is to implement a phone sales strategy.

Now I’ve spoken about selling lawn care over the phone previously and one gentleman in the audience, objected to my advice to train his phone staff to sell. He said that he doesn’t like to be pushy, he likes to have his work speak for itself. Well that’s great but a prospect doesn’t know what quality of work you do.

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How to Get Lawn Care Customers – Phone Strategy Part 1

How to Get Lawn Care Customers – Phone Strategy Part 1

First step is to implement a phone strategy and that starts with answering your phone LIVE all the time. No call should go to voicemail. Ever.
It saddens me that I even have to mention this in a video about how to get lawn care customers. It should common sense, in our industry, but it is not.

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The GIE EXPO 2013 PLANET Green Industry Conference Wrap Up

2013 GIE+EXPO & PLANET Green Industry Conference Wrap Up

Lawn Care Marketing Expert and the CEO of Service Autopilot, Lawn Care Millionaire recap their educational talks and highlights from GIE+EXPO 2013 & PLANET Green Industry Conference. Included are some key takeaways from their talks How to Build a Marketing Plan that Grows with Your Lawn Care Business & Ten Ways Significant Money Is Slipping Out Your Back Door and You Don’t Even Realize It!

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2013 GIE+EXPO & PLANET Green Industry Conference Closing Speech with Lawn Care Marketing Expert

Thank You to everyone who joined me at the closing talk for 2013 GIE+EXPO & PLANET Green Industry Conference. We had a great audience and went deep into specific marketing steps and core concepts you should apply to your lawn care business. We even discussed the WHY in BUY… Why should someone buy from YOU versus everyone else in the market?
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