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Does Your Lawn Care Business Image Match Your Message?

How we look, sound and act affects potential customers decisions to buy.

Whether we like it or not, the way consumers perceive us, the image of your lawn care business, is as big a part of our marketing message as the text we use on our flyers and websites.

Is the type of client you want to attract going to respond positively to how you look sound and act?


Hi everyone, today I called a gentleman that emailed me and was interested in implementing our lawn care marketing system.

He wants to be the premium priced company in his conservative suburban market. But when I called I got gangsta rap music as his hold music. Now I like Lil Wayne as much as the next guys but it immediately tells me two things about this guy.

1. He isn’t paying attention to how his potential customers perceive him
2. his marketing message and lawn care business image are not in alignment.

The way we are perceived is as big a part of our marketing message as the text we use on our marketing pieces and websites.

How we look, sound and act affects potential customers decisions to buy.

So ask yourself, Is the type of client you want to attract going to respond positively to how you look sound and act? If not, you are going to have a hard time getting that client.

If you are trying to reach customers that talk, dress, act and have more money than you… you need to be relatable to them. If you aren’t – somebody else is.

Lawn Care Marketing Expert is the largest online marketing agency in North America specializing in marketing strategies for the lawn care and landscaping industries.

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Official Consultant of PLANET Conference
